Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fall In My Town

After playgroup at the park this morning, I decided to drive around town and snap a few photos. Autumn has arrived in full force here in Massachusetts. It is so lovely and quaint.

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Wheelbarrow full of pumpkins and gourds

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Local Farmstand operating on the honor system. Take what you like and leave a little money.

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Sign to the local Apple Orchard

I absolutely love our town. Especially during this time of year.

I am still working on the Halloween themed kit. Hope to have it finished this weekend. Also not sure what Ben should be for Halloween this year. We are thinking Elmo....but that costume may be a bit cumbersome. He is still a little wobbly when he walks.

Well....got run and get some lunch. More later.


Friday, September 23, 2005

Small Victories, A New Therapist, and the Pumpkin Patch

So today brought a small victory for Ben. He actually ate a whole Goldfish cracker without having to break it in half! I know this might not sound like a big deal but he really has trouble with textured food and large quantities of food in his mouth. Normally, this would have triggered a vomit, but he handled it like a champ today. In fact, he came back for 4 more! I am so proud of him. Oh yeah, and he has added a new word to his arsenal, MONKEY!!! Woo Hoo! Go Ben!

His new Floortime therapist started today. She is really sweet and gentle. He responded to her right away! I am excited that she is on the team. She is going to see him 6 hours a week! We are so fortunate to be in the town we are in. Our early intervention group is superb. Love them.

So, we were on such a high, we decided to make an impromptu visit to the pumpkin patch today. The lighting was perfect as it was 6 pm and the sun was setting. We are so excited because, for some reason, they had new calves at the Petting Stalls. Ben got to feed a sweet sweet cow. It was amazing. He was so happy. He also got to see ducks and was wigging out! Of course, my camera's battery died before I got pictures of the cow. Uggh! So, we are going to go back this weekend. In the meantime, here are some pictures that I did get:

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Thankful for days like today.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Another yucky check up

Ben had another check up down at Children's in Boston today. This time to see his pulmonologist. She recommended that Ben receive Synagis injections for a third year. Basically Synagis is sort of a "vaccine" to prevent RSV. Most babies get RSV in the first two years of life. To adults, it is just a cold. To a normal baby, it can be serious. To a child like Ben with a precarious lung situation, it can be deadly. So, he is going to have to receive the antibody injections every month. I feel so badly for him but I know it is a necessary precaution to keep him healthy.

Also, we realized that Ben has only gained a half pound since April. I am getting really concerned. It is so confusing to me because he is eating more than he EVER has. I just don't get it. He has been tested for the big problems that could cause this (CF, allergies, Celiac) and has tested negative which is great news....but we just can't figure out why he isn't gaining weight. Clearly not enough calories. I feel like I am constantly feeding him. Anyway, he is going to be seen by the growth and nutrition clinic in Boston. We've already been there once....hopefully this time, they can help us a little more. Here he is in his highchair:

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On a lighter note, I have been enjoying some of the premieres on tv this week. I am not a huge tv watcher, but there are couple of shows I am following. I am loving "Martha" and "The Apprentice Martha Stewart". She is my idol. Also, "The Office" is hysterical. "The Daily Show" is also one of my favs. Keeping an eye on Hurricane Rita....it is looking REALLY scary now. Category 5 and 175 mph winds. I am so worried for people on the coast. I hope people are getting out with their families and pets.

Well...gotta head to bed.


Monday, September 19, 2005

Autumn Bliss

Hi. I know I have neglected my blog for a week. Last week was packed with appointments with therapists for my son. We are working out a new program to deal with his language delay. I am excited about it, but it is going to be 14 hours a week of therapy. Lots of work.

Also, I finished a new kit, Autumn Bliss. I really love this one.

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Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year. Here in New England, the leaves have already started turning and I have pumpkins on my doorstep. I am actually looking forward to the leaves falling this year as my lawn is atrocious. My dog, Sam, who is a very large golden retriever has managed to thrash my lawn. I am sure we are loved by our neighbors.

I really get into Autumn and Halloween. I saw this super cool project in the latest Martha Stewart Living magazine for making your own scarecrow. If I can find the time, I want to try it! It looks so cool. Oh, and by the way, I am LOVING Martha's new show. I am not sure I like the talk-show format. I really loved her old show that showed a project from start to finish without audience or guest interruption. I still like this new show and can't wait to see what she does for the holidays.

Anyway, here is a very quick layout of my son and husband at the pumpkin patch last year. Looking forward to this year's trip!

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Monday, September 12, 2005

Final Amout Raised!

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give you the final amount raised from the Hurricane Katrina Relief Sale. Drumroll please..... $295 raised and with matching funds, that is almost $600!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Thank you to everyone for so generously contributing. These funds will be sent to the American Red Cross tomorrow.

It is heart warming to see America come together to help our fellow citizens. Moments like this make me feel better about this country.

I was really upset today about these comments made by a radio talk-show host. How can people think these things....much less say them out loud????


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Saturday's Sales Update

Tonight's total is $215! With matching funds, that is $430! Yeah! FYI - The sale ends on Sunday.

Thank you again for your generosity!!!


Friday, September 09, 2005

Another Sales Update

Tonight's total is $175! With matching funds, that is $350! Let's keep it going. Sale ends on Sunday.

Thank you for your generosity!!!


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Relief Sales Update

Hi Everyone,

As of today, approximately $130 worth of kits have been purchased.....(that's 43 kits so far). With my husband's company's matching funds, that is $260 for the American Red Cross!!! Let's keep it going!!!

Thank you SO much to everyone who has purchased a kit. The digi community rocks! I was amazed at how much Gina and Kristie have earned with their Compassion Kit. Just wonderful.

Thanks again everyone!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This just in..... Matching Funds!

So, my husband just informed me that his company will match the funds that ScrapKitchen raises for the American Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina Relief!!!

I am so excited!


Hurricane Katrina Relief Sale!

After witnessing the terrible tragedy on our Gulf Coast, I have decided that I need to help out the relief efforts in anyway that I can. The Digi Community has come together in an overwhelming way to support relief efforts and I want to do my part.

All Kitchen Kits are on sale for $3.00 from now until Sunday, September 11th at midnight, EST.

All proceeds from this sale will be donated to the American Red Cross for the benefit of the Survivors of Hurricane Katrina!

I will be updating the amount raised each day here on my blog. Thank you so much for your generous support!


Friday, September 02, 2005


I have been watching coverage of the tragedy in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. I am speechless. I don't know what to say. This poster on Daily Kos said it all for me:

"Left Behind
by Hunter
Fri Sep 2nd, 2005 at 00:10:40 PDT
The last twelve hours of news coverage has been nearly overwhelming. Anderson Cooper, Paula Zahn, others, even unapologetic partisans like Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson -- everyone is asking where the government is. (No, I haven't turned to Fox News. I don't have the heart, today.) Anderson Cooper lost it interviewing Sen. Mary Landrieu, countering her litany of thank-yous to a series of politicians with his own encounter with rats eating a body that had been left abandoned in the street for 48 hours. Paula Zahn boggled at FEMA director Michael Brown's declaration that the reason about 15,000 shelter seekers at the New Orleans Convention Center have gone without food or water since the day of the hurricane is because FEMA didn't even know the refugees were there until today.

The common televised theme is of reporters traveling to hard hit areas in New Orleans or the smaller communities, and reporting no FEMA presence, no National Guard presence, no food, no water, no help -- and this is day 5. "Where is the government?" has been the predominant theme of the day. Apologists are being met with barely concealed disgust, in more and more quarters. Bush administration cuts to the levee system are being widely reported. FEMA inaction is being roundly criticized by ever-more-urgent live feeds from disheveled media figures with stunned expressions.

The Convention Center situation appears to be horrific, with deaths of elderly and infants due to dehydration already now occurring. It's not clear if anything can be or is being done tonight, or how many will die between now and the morning, or what will happen then.

The lawlessness is rampant. It's important to note, however, that the lawlessness wasn't rampant on Monday. It wasn't rampant on Tuesday. We heard only twinges of it on Wednesday. Today, from the sounds of the reports, a city devoid of all hope devolved into absolute chaos.

It is nighttime again in New Orleans, and after four days of no food, no water, no communications, no security forces, and no apparent discernible plan that they can see, trust and hope that rescuers will arrive seems all but gone. If the forces had arrived on Tuesday, things would be different.

It is simply too stunning, too shocking, too soul-draining. Nobody knows where the emergency relief has been. Nobody can quite understand why the response to the catastrophe only now seems shuddering to life.

The politics are omnipresent, but present only a hollow shell behind which a sea, an absolute frothing sea, of much worse realizations are crowding every mind. This was a disaster the country had been preparing for. This was one of the disasters most predicted, most feared, most planned for. There was two days of advance warning, as the massive, category 5 hurricane shifted purposefully towards New Orleans. This was no terrorist attack -- this time, there was warning. This time, there was knowledge.

And yet, the much-reshuffled domestic security resculpted as a result of 9-11 simply didn't show up. It wasn't there. FEMA, which has been hacked, shuffled, and gutted in the last few years, proved unable to respond to a catastrophic emergency situation. The catastrophic emergency situation, along the Gulf Coast, the one that sounded the alarms two days before landfall, the one that triggered the warnings of nightmare scenarios known for years in advance, and yet if there was any advance plan at all, any knowledge at all, any fathoming at all of how to respond in the fourty-eight hours most critical for the survival of the victims, it didn't show up. The roads were clogged, the islands were flooded, the levees were breached, and homeland security wasn't there, leaving each state, each town, each police force, each wrecked band of shell-shocked survivors to fend, and make do, while convoys were organized and strategies prepared with seeming obliviousness to the urgency of the numbers and clocks. There is... almost nothing meaningful to say.

The apparent and most likely explanations for the failure, known long before the fact, are almost shattering when reread today, while the ongoing catastrophe unfolds around us.

We have witnessed two disasters this week. The first was an act of nature. The second was not. The second disaster, still ongoing, is unforgivable.

That's the only word that comes to mind, a word I keep repeating to myself. These deaths, these men, these women, these infants dying now in these hours didn't have to happen. They did not have to die waiting for convoys to gather outside their city or for reservists to stand alongside their shattered police forces. They did not have to wait in darkness and fear for help to arrive, only to struggle for days without that help ever coming.

This is not politics. This is not partisanship.

This is unforgivable."

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I am watching the coverage of New Orleans and I am becoming more and more outraged! There are people dying at the convention center. They are out of food and water and need medical attention. There are babies that haven't had anything in days! Elderly that need oxygen. They showed a woman in a wheelchair that was waiting and waiting for help and she just died at the convention center. They covered her with a blanket.

It's been 4 days. What the hell is going on? Where is our disaster relief? Why haven't they dropped food and water to these people?????????

I am just beside myself. I can't understand this.
