Saturday, March 17, 2007

Pictures from today....

We had a little Nor'Easter come through last night. It only dumped about a foot of snow in our area outside Boston. We really have had a mild winter this year. My first couple years here, it snowed every week. I can remember when it snowed in late May two years in a row! I guess there really IS something to global warming, huh? are some pictures from today.

Ben watching daddy plow. Wanting to go outside so badly.

Getting ready to go out!

I haven't taken a ton of pictures of Madeleine, so while I had the camera, I took her upstairs and plopped her in Ben's soft chair and snapped a couple.

Well, that's about it for now. I have a new kit and paper pack coming very soon. I know, I keep saying that, but there are sooooo many things that have distracted me from getting this done. UGH!



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