I Love My Geek Gadgets
So...I have been playing this afternoon with my computer, camera and iPod. I love all of my geek gadgets. I am what some would call an early adopter. I love to try out new gadgets and software as soon as they hit the market. My husband, on the other hand, suffers from analysis paralysis. He has to research every possible alternative device, consumer report, and do a cost analysis before he purchases anything. So, as you can imagine, we butt heads often. Because he travels so often, he frequently acquiesces so that I can have my toys while he is gone. Here is a self-portrait taken a few minutes ago in very low light. I am trying to figure out all of the settings on my new camera. This came out a bit dark and blurry....but I really didn't want to use the flash.

Anyway...off to rock out to my iTunes and play with my Wacom tablet.

Anyway...off to rock out to my iTunes and play with my Wacom tablet.
That is so funny. I'm like your husband. You are like my husband! He just got himself some new oh-so-cool phone and wireless earpiece for himself, for Father's Day. Never mind he already had a really nice one... My thing is cameras and computers. But yes, I research it to death, do the whole cost analysis thing, hunt for bargains... LOL!
Good picture. I'm still figuring out my digital camera.
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