So, have you ever had something that you looked so forward to only to have it NOT live up to your expectations or anticipation??? Well, this is really silly but, today was West Acton Day Octoberfest in our town. Basically our little community shuts down the "main street" and has an Octoberfest festival. It is really sweet....fire trucks, moon bounce and electric cars for the little ones. Fattening foods for the adults. Pumpkins, music, balloons....great photo ops. Well, I just bought a new lens and was so pumped to get great shots today. Unfortunately, really none of them came out well. My son naps at noonish, so we had to go early before it ended and the sunlight was so bright and harsh creating yucky shadows on everyone's faces. I had to stop every few minutes to adjust the settings (if I was in the shade, in the sun, needed a fill flash)...ughhhh! It just got so freaking laborious that I wasn't even enjoying the festival. Finally I said, enough, and put the camera away and tried to enjoy the rest of the day. My hubby got me a big hot dog with all the fixings only to have me bite into it and get a massive shot of grease in my mouth. Yuck!!!! Then my son started to have the pre-nap, you are pushing me melt down. We had to leave. Oh well...there is always next year. (Oh, and the Red Sox lost)
~ Chef
~ Chef
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