Friday, August 19, 2005

It's a miracle....

My son was released from the hospital on Monday of this week. He was battling pneumonia that knocked him on his butt. He is doing much better now and isn't coughing as much....hopefully, he is almost over it. Thank you all so much for your supportive emails and comments.

On a side note.....
Due to my son's prematurity, he has always had trouble with eating. Textures and tastes often cause him to gag and vomit. The bulk of his calories have always come from a high-calorie milk or formula based drink. He took breastmilk for the first 8 months and then we switched him to formula and then to cow's milk with extra calories added in. He also suffers from severe reflux and has always had stomach issues. Well, we recently switched him from cow's milk to soy milk (at the suggestion of one of his doctors and therapists) and we already are seeing an improvement. He is more interested in solid foods and he hasn't vomited in over a week! Last night, he ate roasted chicken and mashed potatoes (albeit very small pieces). This morning, he ate scrambled egg and toast! It's a miracle! He never would have eaten this before. I am remaining cautiously optimistic. I have seen him take 2 steps forward and 1 step back before. But I am just hoping that this GI improvement continues.

In other good news, Ben's early intervention team has approved him for more hours of therapy per week to address his sensory integration and motor planning problems. I cannot wait to get started.



Blogger Unknown said...

Go Ben go! So glad to hear that his health is improving, and he is eating better! I'm sending you positive thoughts! Yep, being a parent is so tough! Hang in there! You are a great mom!

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm so sorry I haven't checked your blog in awhile. You've been going through so much. My prayers are with you and Ben!

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just reading through your Blog.. Your son sounds like such a trooper.. and so glad to hear he is eating better..
Our family has been doing some research on the values of horse milk and the effects are great.. We have a horse ranch and since his research, dad has been milking a few of the horses and has found that drinking the milk is doing wonders for his arthritis and he has been feeling so much better.. A few friends of his have been drinking it as well and have commented on how well they feel.. Just an idea for you to look into as you mentioned the goats milk worked well for your son..

11:41 AM  

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