Bittersweet Goodbye
Wow. Today was an emotional day for me. While I am happy that Ben has reached another milestone, I am saddened that this milestones is accompanied by several goodbyes. Ben turns three tomorrow and therefore, he is no longer eligible to receive Early Intervention services. All of his therapy now has to be administered by the school system. Early Interventional is a federally funded program that assists children with special needs. Ben qualified for the program due to his extremely premature birth. He has been receiving OT, PT, Speech, Special Educator and Feeding therapies since he came home from the NICU. These therapists have been in my home weekly, for three years, working one-on-one with Benjamin. They are a part of our family.
The woman below is Anne. She was Ben's case manager and PT. She evaluated Benjamin when he came home from the hospital, barely 4 months old and 4 pounds. She has been there from the beginning. 3 years of hard work, advocacy and devotion from this woman. How do you say thank you for getting us through the tough times? How do you say thank you for changing my life and my son's life for the better? Needless to say, we were in tears today. She is the sweetest woman with the warmest, most comforting voice. Ben adored her.
She recently moved to the South End of Boston (well over an hour away) and she is ending her practice in my area. I will never see her again. My heart is broken. Thank you Anne. For everything.

Ben and Anne working on his leg strength. She uses a wooden step to get him to improve his balance and practice walking up and down steps unassisted.

Clowning around.
Now we are ready to face new challenges with new therapists at the pre-school in the Fall. No one can ever replace the team we had at Minuteman E.I. But I am sure we will grow to love the new team as well.
The woman below is Anne. She was Ben's case manager and PT. She evaluated Benjamin when he came home from the hospital, barely 4 months old and 4 pounds. She has been there from the beginning. 3 years of hard work, advocacy and devotion from this woman. How do you say thank you for getting us through the tough times? How do you say thank you for changing my life and my son's life for the better? Needless to say, we were in tears today. She is the sweetest woman with the warmest, most comforting voice. Ben adored her.
She recently moved to the South End of Boston (well over an hour away) and she is ending her practice in my area. I will never see her again. My heart is broken. Thank you Anne. For everything.

Ben and Anne working on his leg strength. She uses a wooden step to get him to improve his balance and practice walking up and down steps unassisted.

Clowning around.
Now we are ready to face new challenges with new therapists at the pre-school in the Fall. No one can ever replace the team we had at Minuteman E.I. But I am sure we will grow to love the new team as well.
I can so understand this! :)
We are still keep in touch with Matthew's 1st ST. She too, moved out of our area by a little and that was that. but she called today! :)
Preschool is a whole nother ballgame, but a good one!
I know how sad you must be! My grandson had EIS for a year for speech. He was totally deft and wasn't speaking. He now speaks better than most kids his age! They are a wonderful bunch of people! His hearing problem has been fixed and he is right on track. I wish they could work with the children until they go to school. I have no idea why 3 is their magic number! Good luck and God Bless that sweetheart of yours!
Ahhh..that is sad :( Wow 4 months and 4lbs! I really hope he does well with the next step!
here is a little hug for you and Ben ((((hug)))
My Becky was born at 25wks weighing 1lb 2oz. when she was 3 she was the size of a 10month old. The doctors said she would never walk or talk. Well she is now 11yrs old and although she has special needs she is running about and talking non-stop. She needs constant supervision because she doesn't understand danger and will speak to anyone but she enjoys life and loves crafting with me. It has been a long, hard slog but I wouldn't change her for anything. I wish you well with your pregnancy and best wishes to you all especially Ben
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